Saturday, January 31, 2009

Are You Physically Able to Run a Cleaning Business?

Starting and operating a cleaning business is just about as good as it gets for the entrepreneur with a limited budget and the need to start generating cash as quickly as possible. If done right, you should be able to start generating cash within days of getting the business up and running. Good examples of this are housecleaning and janitorial ventures. Both businesses can be started with minimal supplies (under $100) as long as you've got some form of transportation.

However, as easy as it is to start these businesses, not everyone can do it. While starting capital and experience are no barriers, physical ability can play a big role. Cleaning is physical work and simply having the will to succeed is often not enough. Many would-be entrepreneurs would be well served to consider this before diving straight in.

Imagine cleaning three large homes per day as a house cleaner. Imagine cleaning the windows of large, two-story homes for 10 hours per day. This is definitely something that you have to consider before you start putting any effort into getting your cleaning business up and running.

As well is physical ability and health, you've also got to consider your age. How many years do you think you'll be able to do this for? If you're middle-aged, you'd best hurry up and get some workers under you before you become too old to efficiently perform the work.

Now having said all that, there are many house cleaners and window washers that are into their 60s and still doing a great job. The question you should ask yourself is, how long do you plan on doing this?

Knowing your physical limitations and abilities will go a long way towards planning your business for the long term.


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